
2023年02月22日 08:27:52



  1.He gave me a very good advice yesterday.

  讲解:句中的a要去掉,因为advice是不可数名词。一些汉语概念为可数的词在英语中却是不可数的,表示数量时在其前加a piece of,类似的词有:news, bread, work, paper, chalk, furniture, information等等。

  2.That girl loves reading book.


  3.He went into a book’s shop and bought a dictionary.

  讲解:一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用’s,如my mother’s car, 而此处适宜用名词修饰名词,改为a book shop.

  4.My family is watching TV.

  讲解:一些集合名词如看成一个整体,则用单数的谓语动词,如My family is a happy one; 如强调集合中每个个体的个人行为,则用复数的谓语动词。此处看电视是个体行为,应把is改为are。类似的词有:team, class, audience等。

  5.I bought some potatos and tomatos at the supermarket.

  讲解:中学阶段以“o”结尾的名词中有四个词变复数时要加es,它们是tomato, potato, Negro, hero; 其余的都加s变为复数。

  6.This has nothing to do with their believes.(这和他们的信仰没关系。)

  讲解:以f, fe 结尾的词变为复数时一般去f, fe 加ves,如knife—knives, thief—thieves; 而roof 和belief直接加s变为复数。所以应把believes改为beliefs.



  1.He is one of those speakers who make his ideas perfectly clear.

  讲解:定语从句的先行词是those speakers,为复数,因此从句中的指示代词应为复数,应把his改为their。

  2.Whom do you think has left the lights on?

  讲解:放在疑问句特殊疑问词后的do you think / believe / guess / imagine / suppose等都不参与句子成分,把它们去掉后,疑问词在句中做主语用主格,做宾语用宾格。本句中去掉do you think后缺的是主语,应把Whom改为Who。

  3.The boss pretended not to see John and I.

  讲解:John和I在句中都做的宾语,应把I 改为me。

  4.These books are mine; those in the bag are her.

  讲解:Her是形容词性物主代词,后面应该加名词books,或把her 改为hers。



  1.The patient appeared nervously when he talked to the doctor.


  2.The artist worked hardly to finish his drawings on time.

  讲解:此句需要一个副词来修饰,hardly是副词,但意为“几乎不”,hard 也可以是副词,表努力,因此把 hardly 改为hard.

  3.This shirt is more cheaper than that one.


  4.He is the most successful of the two businessmen.


  5.He works less harder than he used to.

  讲解:表不如… 时用less加上形容词和副词的原级,因此把harder改为hard.

  6.The book is fairly more interesting than that one.

  讲解:fairly只能修饰形容词和副词的原级,可以修饰比较级的副词或短语有:much, even, still, far, a lot, a little, a bit, any, no, by far, rather等,因此把fairly改为rather.

  7.This is as an interesting a story as the one in the magazine.

  讲解:as … as中间的词序是as加上形容词加上a(n)加上名词再加上as,因此应改为as interesting a story as the one.

  8.The weather here is nicer than Xizang.

  讲解:同样的事物才能相比较,weather和Xizang不具有可比性,因此应改为The weather here is nicer than that of Xizang.

  9.You shouldn't stand too closely to him


  10.I would rather take a train than went by bus.

  讲解:这个词组为would rather do … than do …,因此把went改为go.

  11.Is there interesting anything at the meeting?

  讲解:修饰anything, something, every-thing, nothing的形容词都要放在它们的后面。

  12.I never have seen such a person before.

  讲解:像never之类的副词在句中应放在be动词、助动词之后,实意动词之前。因为应改为I have never seen such a person before.

  13.The book is worth to be read.

  讲解:be worth doing 意为值得被做。因此改为The book is worth reading.

  14.It is sure that he will succeed.

  讲解:sure 的主语只能为人,而certain的主语可为人和物。因此把sure改为certain.

  15.He is regarded as one of the best alive writers at present.

  讲解:alive 为表语形容词,偶尔也做后置定语。因此把alive改为living,或把alive 放在writers后面。

  16.I don’t know that he has finished the work yet.

  讲解:yet 用于否定和疑问句,already用于肯定句。把yet 改为already.

  17.He said nearly nothing at the meeting.

  讲解:nearly 不与否定词用在同一个句子中,而almost可以。因此把nearly 改为almost.
