
2023年02月02日 16:09:27


  51. 赛龙舟dragon boat race

  52. 闰年leap year

  53. 去除灾难to ward off evils

  54. 驱厄运to sweep away ill fortune; to get rid of bad luck

  55. 庆祝(节日)celebrate;observe

  56. 清明节the Tomb-sweeping Day; Qing Ming Festival

  57. 起源于to originate in/ from

  58. 七夕节the Double Seventh Day; Qixi Festival

  59. 农历/阴历lunar calendar

  60. 年画New Year pictures

  61. 民族特性和价值观national identity and value

  62. 民间艺人folk artist

  63. 庙会temple fair

  64. 砍柴采药to cut/chop firewood or gather herbs

  65. 救死扶伤to heal the sick and rescue the dying

  66. 祭神god-worshiping

  67. 纪念to commemorate; in memory of

  68. 火药gunpowder

  69. 欢度... to celebrate; the celebration

  70. 华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors

  71. 汉字Chinese character

  72. 国宝national treasure

  73. 古文明ancient civilization

  74. 古为今用to make the past serve the present

  75. 公历/阳历solar calendar

  76. 高雅艺术refined /high art

  77. 福good fortune; blessing; blessedness

  78. 风格独特characteristic/unique style

  79. 非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage

  80. 发红包to give money in red envelopes; to hand out

  81. 二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms

  82. 端午节the Dargon Boat Festival

  83. 独特的艺术价值unique artistic values

  84. 灯谜lantern riddle

  85. 灯笼/花灯(festival) lantern

  86. 大扫除to thoroughly clean the house

  87. 促进世界和平to promote world peace

  88. 春联spring couplets

  89. 春节the Spring Festival; Chinese New Year

  90. 传统工艺品traditional handicraft

  91. 除夕Chinese New Year's Eve

  92. 材质各异various materials

  93. 才子佳人gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

  94. 博大精深to be extensive and profound

  95. 笔划stroke

  96. 笔、墨、纸、砚ink brush, ink stick, Xuan paper, inkstone

  97. 被誉为be honored/crowned as

  98. 拜月to worship the moon

  99. 爱国主义精神patriotism

  100. 爱国诗人patriotic poet