
2022年11月25日 16:21:26

  A friend of mine isa department manager at a largecompany.His secretary requested a10% salary raise.

  The problem was that 10% was a large raisecompared tothe5% other employees hadreceived.Was therea win-win way out of this problem?

  As they looked at the possibilities,severalideasappeared.The company startswork at 8amand closesat5pm.The manager learned that hissecretary got caught in heavy traffice very evening on theway home.They agreed to have work form 7:30 am to4:30pm.This saved her atleast20-25minutes drivingtime,a benefit toher a littleor no loss to the company.

  They then studied her jobin detail.Beforelong they jointlydeveloped a new idea which gaveher more responsibilities,and,at thesame time,more interesting work.

  Both partiesbenefited form thechanged arrangement of wok.The raise itself was thendiscussed.A decision wasmade by agreeing on a 6% raiseforthree monthsand then an additional2% later if thenew responsibilitieswere properly performed.

  41.What was the department secretary’srequest?

  A.A better work environment

  B.A changeof jobposition

  C.A challenging task

  D.A salary raise

  42.The salary raiseforthe other employeeswas ____.

  A.2 percent


  C.6 percen

  tD.10 percent

  43.According tothepassage,toachieve a win-win result thecompany agreed to ____.

  A.give thesecretary fewer responsibilities

  B.allow thesecretary towork from home

  C.change the secretary’swork time

  D.reduce the secretary’swork load

  44.According tothelastparagraph,thesecretary mayhave an additional 2%salaryraiseif ____.

  A.she can perform her new responsibilitieswell

  B.thecompany offers her a higher position

  C.she agrees tochange her work schedule

  D.the company makes more profits

  45.Who will benefit from thenew arrangement of work?

  A.All the employees in thecompany

  B.The company and the secretary

  C.The company only

  D.The secretary herself