
2022年11月15日 14:21:24



  1.By the end of 2019,the world population ________ over 5 billion.A.has reached B.reached C.was reaching D.had reached


  【解析】考查时态。by the end of(到……为止)+过去时间,句子用过去完成时had done,2019年已经是过去时间,故选D。句意:到2019年为止,世界人口已经达到了50亿。

  2.But for the computer games,I ________ the final English exam last term.A.would pass B.would have passed.C passed D.pass


  【解析】考查特殊词的虚拟。but for要不是,与现在和将来事实不符用would/should/might/could+do;与过去事实不符用would/should/might/could+have done。根据last term可知句子体现与过去事实不符,故选B。句意:要不是电脑游戏,我上个学期就通过英语期末考试了。

  3.He is quite confident in his vision ________ the future.A.of B.at C.for D.on


  【解析】考查of的属格。A of B意为B的A,his vision of the future就是他对未来的看法,


  4.The lamp ________ on the ceiling.A.hangs B.hanged C.hung D.is hanging



  5.Their new car is ________ BMW.A.the B.an C.a D./



  6.He accepted his father’s advice that he ________ computer science instead of ecology.A.studied B.studies C.had studied D study


  【解析】advice表示建议时,后面跟的从句要用should型虚拟语气,即主动用(should)do,被动用(should)be done,且should可以省略。此处主语和动词之间是主动关系,故选D。句意:他接受了父亲的建议,去学了计算机科学而不是生态学。

  7.It was ________ that almost nobody listened to the lecturer attentively.

A.such a boring lecture B.such boring a lecture

  C.boring such a lecture D.boring such a lecture



  8.Is there any solution ________ this problem?

  A.with B.for C.to D.of


  【解析】考查名词与介词的搭配。solution表示解决方法,为名词,后面跟介词to构成短语solution to...,意为……的解决方法,故选C。句意:有解决这个问题的方法吗?

  9.Given her interest ________ children,teaching seems to be the ________ option for her.A.in;right B.for;right C.in;wrong D.on;wrong


  【解析】interest兴趣,后跟介词in,构成短语interest in sb./sth.,对……感兴趣。第二空考查形容词词义辨析,right表示正确的,wrong表示错误的,根据句意故选A。句意:考虑到她喜欢孩子,教书对她来说似乎是一个正确的选择。

  10.It was while I was reading a book ________ I first learned of it.A.who B.that C.which D.whom


  【解析】考查强调句用法。强调句句型为It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+其他,此处被强调部分while I was reading a book为物,故用that。翻译:我是在读一本书的时候才第一次了解到它。