
2022年09月01日 08:19:21

  Online meetings may affect creativity, study finds. Many companies have moved online because of COVID-19, with work meetings around the world taking place on the Internet instead of in the office But a recent study has found that online meetings may affect creative thinking.

  The study, publish in Nature, included 602 people who were divided into random pairs. Each pair was given five minutes to think of creative for one certain item, and then one minute to choose the most creative idea. Some pairs were asked to work together on a video call , while others worked in person. The results showed that the in-person pairs had more ideas than the virtual pairs.

  Some researches were also done to see whether focusing on a screen can effect a person's creativity. Team working together virtually spent more time looking directly at each other and remembered less of their surroundings when asked later. The in-person pairs spent more time looking around the room, but also had more ideas.

  The researchers did the same study with 1,490 engineers. The pairs were asked to think of new product ideas and chose one as an idea for their company. The results were similar to the first study, with the engineers who met in person thinking of more product ideas, and the virtual pairs making slightly better decision about which idea to choose.

  The results suggest that businesses should think carefully about which tasks can be done online, and which-like thinking of new ideas-should be done in person.


  1. According to the passage under the influence of COVID-19, besides offline meetings some companies also have meetings .






  2.How many pairs were there in the study published in Nature?

  A.602 B.1490 C.745 D.301


  3.What dose the phrase “in person” in the passage mean?

  A.Going somewhere and doing something oneself

  B.Communicating by email

  C.Asking someone else for help

  D.Experiencing something different


  4. According to the last paragraph the study results suggested that ______.

  A.if a company wants to get more creative ideas online meetings should be held

  B.all tasks can be done online

  C.if a company wants to get more creative ideas in person meetings should be held

  D.businesses should pay less attention on which tasks can be done online


  5.Which of the following statements in NOT true?

  A.The study published in Nature showed that online meeting may affect creativity.

  B.The study with engineers showed that the virtual pairs made slightly better decisions about which idea to choose.

  C.Focusing on a screen can affect a person's creativity.

  D.The in-person pairs had fewer ideas than the virtual pairs.
