
2022年08月18日 15:37:06



  1._________to the left, and you will find the path reaching to the top of the hill.

  A. Tum

  B. Turing

  C. Tumed

  D. To tum

  2. This is Mr Brown _________ I think has exciting news to tell you.

  A. which


  C. whom

  D. who

  3. - What does your aunt do?

  一She is a _________and she has been working in the hospital for twenty years.

  A. teacher

  B. pilot

  C. nurse

  D. singer

  4. The city has changed a lot. It is no longer _________ it was ten years ago.

  A when

  B. what

  C. why

  D. that

  5. My cousin hasn't decided _________ to stay _________ go home.

  A. if; and

  B. whether; and

  C. whether; or

  D.if; or


  1. [答案] A


  2.[答案] D

  [解析]考查非限制性定语从句。句意:这是布朗先生,我想他有令人兴奋的消息要告诉你。分析句子,Ithink 为插入语,先行词在从句中做主语,排除B、c项;且先行词是人,故排除A项;故只能使用who。故选D.

  3.[答案] C

  [解析]考查名词词义辨析。句意: --你阿姨是做什么工作的? --她是一个护士,她已经在医院干了20年了。Teacher:老师; pilot:' 飞行员; nurse:护士; singer: 歌手。根据句意,故选C。

  4.[答案] B

  [解析]考查表语从句。句意:这个城市变化很大。它不再是十年前的样子了。______ it wastenyearsago是表语从句,连接词充当从句的表语,why和when为连接副词,why表原因,不充当表语,排除C;when表时间,但从句中已有时间状语tenyearsago,排除A;that为从属连词,在从句中不充当成分,排除C; what为连接代词,充当表语,代替the city在从句中做表语:故选B.

  5.[答案] C

  [解析]考查宾语从句。句意:我的表弟还没有决定是留下还是回家。留下或回家是两个选择,宾语从句中能引导“是否”概念的只有whether和if, whether 通常和or连用。故选C。