
2022年08月09日 10:31:30



  1. You are late. If you _________ a few minutes earlier, you_________him.

  A. come; would mee

  B. had come; would have met

  C. come; will meet

  D. had come; would meet

  2. Betty felt so tired last night that she_________fell asleep in bed after lying down.

  A immediately

  B. suddenly

  C. frequently

  D. recently

  3. We will attend the junior high graduation ceremony_________June 21st, 2019.


  B. at


  D. for

  4. It is not quite clear_________our local government will do with air polution.

  A. whether

  B. how

  C. what

  D. that

  5. This is _________

  A. how did they get to the city

  B. what did they get to the city

  C. how they got to the city

  D. what they got to the city


  1. [答案] B

  [解析]考查虚拟语气。句意:你迟到了,如果你早几分钟,你就会碰到他。if 引导的虚拟条件句,从题意可知,表示与过去事实相反,主句用would/ could might/ should+现在完成时时,从句用过去完成时。故选B.

  2. [答案]A


  immediately很快,立刻; suddenly 突然地; frequently 频繁地; recently 最近。immediately更符合语境,故选A。

  3. [答案] C


  4. [答案] C

  [解析]考查主语从句。句意:我们的地方政府将如何处理空气污染还不清楚。句子出现两个动词,需要一个连接词,“______ our local goverment will do with air pollution""为主语从句,本句中it为形式主语。从句缺宾语,根据意思,应填连接代词what.故选C.

  5. [答案] C
