
2022年07月20日 15:16:32

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网友热推:教师招聘《英语学科知识》测试卷  教师招聘考试【公基易混易错500题】 限时免费领

  根据下面七年级下册选自人教版 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?的语言素材,用英语完成以下的设计任务(设计意图可以用中文表达)。


  (2)根据所设定的目标创设情境,设计 3 个教学活动,写出活动的主要内容及设计意图。


  1. Knowledge aims:

  (1) Students can memorize some new words and phrases, such as “cute”, “pet”, “smart” and “all day”.

  (2) Students can master the usage of “Why don’t you ...?” and “because ...”.

  Ability aims:

  (1) Students can talk about their pets and explain the reason why they like them.

  (2) Through listening activities, students can learn how to find specific information in the dialogue. Their listening and speaking abilities can be improved.

  2. Teaching procedures


  (1) Let student think what animals they can see in a zoo and show pictures of different animals one by one.

  (2) Ask students whether they like or dislike some kind of animal and give the reasons.

  (3) Introduce new words.



  (1) Listen to the tape for the first time and ask the students to find out the main idea of the listening material. After finishing it, ask some volunteers to tell their answers.


  (2) Show some questions to the students first and play the tape again.

  Q1: Does Peter have a pet?

  Q2: What can Dingding do?

  Q3: What pet does Jenny’s mom have?

  Q4: Does Jenny like the cat? Why?

  Once they have finished, ask volunteers to share their answers and make some comments. Those who can grasp the opportunity to answer and answer the questions correctly can get a star.


  (3) Then play the tape for the last time, and ask students to read after the record. They should pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation.



  (1) Ask students to underline the words and phrases which they have difficulties in understanding and let them to discuss with their partners. As for the ones that they cannot figure out by themselves, teacher will give some help.

  (2) Read the dialogue first, and make a role play according to the dialogue.

  (3) Then encourage students to create a new dialogue in group, using the sentence patterns learnt today.
