
2022年07月20日 15:13:26

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网友热推:教师招聘《英语学科知识》测试卷  教师招聘考试【公基易混易错500题】 限时免费领

  根据所提供的小学英语教学内容 Unit 3 Part A Let’s Learn 部分,教学对象为四年级学生。





  Teaching Aims:

  1. Students will be able to learn and master some words of weather, and can know the names of some cities.

  2. Students will be able to learn and master the sentence patterns about describing the weather.

  3.Through discussion and cooperation, students can talk about simple weather. Students’ listening and speaking abilities can be improved.

  4. Students can get more interests in learning English.

  5. Students can enjoy the study of weather of different places.

  Teaching Key Points:

  1. New words: cool, cold, hot, warm, weather

  2. Target language: It’s … in …

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  How to get students to describe the weather and talk about simple weather.

  Teaching Methods:

  Task based teaching method; Situational teaching method

  Teaching Aids:

  multi-media, a tape recorder, four bottles with water

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up and lead-in

  1. Daily greeting.

  2. Set a situation: It’s warm today (look out of the window), so we wear T-shirts. Tomorrow I want to go to Beijing. What’s the weather like in Beijing? Let’s watch a weather report (play the flash of this part). And then lead in the topic of this lesson.

  (Purpose: This can provide students with a good English learning atmosphere and also can lay a good foundation for the next part. This also can attract their attention to this lesson.)

  Step 2: Presentation and Practice

  1. Guide students to know the meaning of “weather” by watching the flash. Write the word on the blackboard, and guide students to read the word by phonetics.

  2. Watch a short video about weather report and ask students to think over a question “How many cities are there in the weather report?” Get students to give answers, and write the words on the blackboard, and then let students read the words after the teacher.

  3. Ask students to watch again and think over the questions:

  Q1: How to describe the weather?

  Q2: Can you find some adjectives about weather?

  4. Check the answers and lead in the sentence pattern “It’s …in…” and the words about weather.

  5. Show four bottles that are filled with water of different temperatures. Move around the classroom. Get students to feel the temperatures and guide students to learn the words “cool, cold, hot, warm”.

  6. Ask students to read the words after the tape. Write them on the blackboard and guide students to spell them.

  7. Get students to read the weather report after the tape.

  8. Show a picture of the world map and some pictures of the weather. Get students to work in pairs and introduce the weather.

  (Purpose: Showing bottles that are filled with water of different temperatures can help students master the meaning of the words and know their differences in meaning easily and deeply. And also, the activity can help students practice more and then master the new knowledge naturally. In this step, the flash and video can make the class more interesting and attract students’ attention.)

  Step 3: Production

  1. Play a guessing game: Ask one volunteer to come to the front and do the action and the others should guess the meaning of the new word. They also should read it loudly and write it down quickly on their exercise book. Then make a sentence by using the new structure: It’s in …

  2. Ask students to chant with the tape and do actions. Enable each group to demonstrate. And then get students to match the weather with the sentences in the chant.

  3. Present four pictures which stand for four seasons. There are some words describing each season. Get students to see if they are in the right place. If not, find them out and tell what’s wrong with them using “It’s not…in…It’s in…”

  (Purpose: These activities can help students consolidate the new knowledge deeply, and make the class more interesting and effective. And at the same time, the activities can help students to activate the learnt knowledge and strengthen their thinking ability.)

  Step 4: Summary and Homework


  Make a summary of the class: present a magic mirror. Get students to put the pictures about weather on the mirror and then describe the weather.


  1. Listen to the tape and read the new words and sentences after the tape.

  2. Make a report with your partners, and try to be a good weather boy/ girl.

  (Purpose: The summary can help students have a deep impression of the new knowledge. And also, it’s very important for students to learn English in class, but it’s not enough for them to practice, so they should do some exercises to practice after class.)

  Blackboard Design


