
2022年06月08日 08:39:06



  Part Ⅶ Writing(1*20 points)

  Different Attitudes Towards Shopping

  1. 人们对购物的态度不同;2. 有人把购物视作一种兴趣,有人把购物视作一种任务;3. 你的看法


  Nowadays, with the rapid development short and increasing popularity of the information and technology, shopping online, though sometimes coupled with (伴随) doubts and distrust, has been a fashion especially among the youngsters (年轻人,少年) , -----youth (青年,青春)

  Of course it is reshaping our way of(重塑... ) life and making it much more cosy as for (关于,至于)me. For one thing, shopping online can save a great deal of time on the way, thus people could be more concentrated on(集中在…上) their work or study. For another, the internet has largely shorten the distance (缩短距离) between manufacturers (制造商) and consumers ---that's why we can even buy foreign goods at a lower price (以...样的价格) .

  Above all, the trend of shopping online is irreversible and more people will be finally accustomed to (习惯于... ) it. Dishonesty or distrust may still be there for a long time, but they are also reasons to urge an improvement, aren't they?