
2020年09月04日 15:00:14


  Reading Comprehension (共60分)

  SectionA (共 40分,每题2分)

  1-5 AABDD

  6-10 AACBB

  11-15 BDBAC

  16-20 DADDB

  Passage One

  1. [答案] A. Two

  2. [答案] A. They suffer more from anxiety

  3. [答案] B. artificial lighting

  4. [答案] D. pre-conditions and characters

  5. [答案] D. How online activities affect mental health

  Passage Two

  6. [答案] A. Antibiotics

  7. [答案] A. develop quickly

  8. [答案] C. 18 percent

  9. [答案] B. Using antibotics lssofen

  10. [答案] B. Antibiotics are etective despite drug-resistant germs.

  Passage Three

  11. [答案] B. They gathered information on pollution and plants.

  12. [答案] D. Bringing back vegetation to land cover

  13. [答案] B. An industrial boiler

  14. [答案] A. be efetive

  15. [答案] C.Adding plant life cuts pollution andreduces cost

  Passage Four

  16. [答案] D the relationship between knowledge and looks

  17. [答案] A supposed

  18. [答案] D Shared ideas of names may influence how we look and behave

  19. [答案] D Objective

  20. [答案] B Your name might influence your appearance

  Section B (从7个选项中选5个,每空格2分,共10分)

  21-25 BFGAD

  21. [答案] B."Sleep efficiency" is the percentage oftime you actually sleep.

  22. [答案] F. Here are some tips for improving seep fficiency.

  23. [答案] G.Tur off your computers andphones before bed.

  24. [答案] A. Keep a consistent sleep'schedule.

  25. [答案] D. It explains why mostpeople feel sleepy in the afernoon.

  Section C Banked Cloze (每小题1分,共10分)

  26-30 JBHME 31-35 KGCI0

  26. [答案] J ocean

  27. [答案] B heat

  28. [答案] H publication

  29. [答案] M incorrectly

  30. [答案] E effect

  31. [答案] K preparing

  32. [答案] G matter

  33. [答案] C responsility

  34. [答案] I warned

  35. [答案] Orapid

  sIntegrated Testing (共30分)

  SectionA Cloze (共 20分,每题1分)

  36. B. symbol

  37. C. However

  38. A separate

  39. C .case

  40. D.fiction

  41. A.As

  42. B. resting

  43. D. right

  44. B. began

  45. C. applying

  46. B. forces

  47. D. floating

  48. A. into

  49. C. pulls

  50. D. inspuing

  51. A. ever

  52. C. story

  53. D. invented

  54. B. why

  55. A. change

  Section B Short Answer Questions (每小题2分,共10分)

  56. [答案] She felt terified

  57. [答案] She felt she was caredfor I

  58. [答案] The ability to open bhis heart to others.

  59. [答案] the needsofothets

  60. [答案] practice moderation in all things except love

  Translation (共30分)

  Section A Chinese English Translation


  61. She is well known for

  ”_ (救了四十多人的性命) in an



  [答案] having saved more than/over forty lives people

  having saved more than/ over forty people's lives

  having saved the lives of more than forty people

  62. It is critical

  (保持公园开放) for the benefits of citizens as

  well as the development of the city.


  [答案] to keep the park open

  63. The reason why_


  become a teacher in the west of Chima

  [考点] 定语从句

  [答案] he resigned from his the company/firm

  he quitquitted his job in his company

  64. I wish

  (我学的是历史而不是地理) when I was in


  [考点]虚拟语气, 与过去事实相反

  [答案] I had studied/ learnt/ learned history rather thant imstead of geography

  65. Nowhere else in the company




  [答案] can you find a more diligentpersonthan him/he is

  can you find a person who/that is more diligent than him

  can you find one whois more diligent than him

  Section B English-Chinese Translation


  66. It is a book about masks, not the masks to prevent us from diseases, but the masks made by

  ancient people.


  67. Masks made of wood or leather have mostly damaged.


  68. Ancient people made masks largely because of fear.


  69. They wished masks buried with their bodies could keep them safe.


  70. the role that masks played in ancient people's lives became less important.


  jriting (共 30分)


  My Favorite Traditional Chinese Art

  China , with a history of over 5000 years , is rich in various traditional arts, such as The lion

  dance. Peking Opera, Calligraphy. My favorite traditional Chinese art is Paper cutting.

  There are several reasons why I am fond of it. First and foremost, Paper cutting is a unique

  form of Chinese folk art and has a history of more than 2,000 years. So, it pays to pay more

  attention to such a precious art form. Besides, Paper cutting has specific meaning. As we all know,

  Paper-cuts are usually made of red paper, which is associated with happiness in traditional

  Chinese culture. Therefore, on festive occasions such as weddings and the Chinese New Year, red

  paper-cuts are the first choice for decorating doors and windows. Most importantly, it represents

  cultural inheritance.

  Paper cutting,as a precious form of traditional Chinese art, has gained popularity in many

  places of China. And I hope more and more people, especially younger generation, will develop

  their interest in it and gradually fall in lovewithit