
2020年04月27日 10:13:37


  1. Try not to say anything hurtful to her. She is a very_____person.

  A.sensible B. sensitive C. tough D. reasonable

  2. There was a(n)____silence between us after we were left alone in the sitting room.

  A. Awkward B.angry C. adequate D. patient

  3. He was so nervous on the stage that he found himself moving his steps____not like a skillful dancer.

  A. Deliberately B. calmly C. firmly D. clumsily

  4. We have to work hard_____we'll lose the chance of the international assignment.

  A. Therefore B. otherwise C. besides D.however

  5. -What about the weather here in winter?

  It’s _____warmer than in the north of this country.

  A. Fairly B. rather C.quite D.very


  6. If we are not_____the progress we have made, we will have greater success.

  A. interested in B.absorbed In C. popular with D. content with

  7. People have always been_____about exactly how life on Earth began.

  A. Curious B. excited C.anxious D. careful

  8. Joe is proud and____,never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame.

  A. Strict B.sympathetic C. stubborn D.Sensitive

  9. This restaurant isn’t_____the other restaurant we went to.

  A. half as good as B. as half good as C. as good as half D. good as half as

  10. The cartoon is very____and all of the children are____ in it.

  A. interest: interesting B. interesting: interest

  C. interested: interesting D. interesting: interested

  11. Do you believe that sentences for criminals are_____at present?

  A. tough enough B. enough tough C. toughly enough D. enoughly toughly

  12. It's______difficult for the old____climb up the mountain.

  A. too: to B. so: to C. very; that D. too: that

  13. This is by far______movie that I have ever seen

  A.an inspiring B.a much Inspiring C. the most inspiring D. the more inspiring

  14. The service there was______poor that we went to another restaurant down the street.

  A. So B.such C.very D. too

  15. Chemical pollution will bring about a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and_______

  to human health

  A. Frequently B.significantly C. steadily D. consequently

  16. To learn Chinese well, you should practice______.

  A. so much you can B・so much as you can C. much as you can D. as much as you can

  17. This is____that few employees can finish it on time.

  A. so difficult work B.so a wok difficult C. such difficult a work D. such difficult work

  18. We have produced______steel this year as we did 4 years ago

  A. twice as much B. twice as many C. as twice many D. twice much

  19. Paper produced every year is three times____the world's production of vehicles.

  A. as heavier as B.more heavier than C. the weight as D. the weight of

  20. Many students think physics is_____chemistry

  A. as difficult a subject as B. as a difficult subject as

  C. the same difficult subject as D. a subject the same difficult as

  21. Excuse me, but would you please show me that_____toy bear?

  A. red beautiful woollen B. beautiful red woollen

  C. beautiful woollen red D. red woollen beautiful

  22. Mr. Stevenson is great to work for---i really couldn’t find a____boss.

  A.better B. good C. best D. more better

  23._____the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across it safely.

  A. Tiredly and sadly B. Tired and sad C. Tired and sadly D. Tiredly and sad

  24. At first I thought I understood what my teacher said, but the more he explained,______.

  A. the more I became confused B. I became confused more

  C. the more confused I became D. The more confused did I become

  25. Tom is _____that they all like to make with him.

  A. so kind a boy B. such boy a kind C. so kind boy D. such kind boy

  26. You should do_____Investigations into the investing environment

  A. Farther B. most farther C. more farther D. further

  27. They made a very________effort to solve this difficult problem

  A.considerable B. considerate C. abundant D. splendid

  28. The newly published novel of the writer is really______reading

  A. Worthwhile B.worthless C, worth D. worthy

  29. The new model aeroplane is technically______its competitors

  A. superior than B. more superior than C. superior to D. superior better to

  30. Food safety is______important, so the government spares no effort to prevent food pollution

  A. Highly B.reasonably C. strongly D. naturally


  1.B2.A3.D4.B5.B 6.D7.A8.C9.A10D

  11. A12.A13.C14.A15.D 16.D17.D18.A19.D20A

  21.B22.A23.B24.C25.A 26.D27.A28.C29.C30A
