
2019年12月24日 16:17:56



  1. It’s about 400mm rain in this area a year.

  A. above all

  B. of all

  C. on average

  D. for average

  2. The way she talks is simply intolerable. He objects like a child.

  A. to be treated

  B. to treat

  C. to being treated

  D. to treating

  3. No sooner had I locked the door the telephone rang.

  A. when

  B. after

  C. than

  D. as

  4. The hopes, goals, fears and desires widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

  A. alter

  B. shift

  C. transfer

  D. vary

  5. With the constant change of conditions, the outcome is not always .

  A. favorable

  B. reasonable

  C. dependable

  D. predictable

  6. Some diseases are by certain water animals.

  A. transplanted

  B. transformed

  C. transported

  D. transmitted

  7. The fact came up specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. that

  D. whose

  8. Speaking two languages one has obvious practical benefits.

  A. other than

  B. better than

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  9. Why can’t you do this small for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past.

  A. command

  B. demand

  C. effort

  D. favor

  10. He wasn’t for what had happened.

  A. reliable

  B. respective

  C. responsible

  D. provided


  1. 【翻译】这个地区年平均降水量是400毫米。


  【精析】C above all:最重要的是;of all:所有之中;on average:平均;D项无此搭配。根据句意,选C。

  2. 【翻译】她说话的方式简直令人难以容忍。他不喜欢被当作孩子一样对待。


  【精析】C object to后面常用动名词作宾语,意为“反对……”。又因这里指的是被对待,所以要用被动语态。故选C。

  3. 【翻译】我刚锁上门,电话就响了。


  【精析】C no sooner…than是固定用法,表示“一……就……”。故选C。

  4. 【翻译】希望、目标、恐惧和欲望在男女之间和穷富之间相差很大。


  【精析】D alter:改变,更改;shift:转变,转换;transfer:转让,转移;vary:改变,变化多样,一般用于vary between…and…,表示“在……和……之间变化”。故选D。

  5. 【翻译】随着形势的不断变化,结果总是难以预料的。


  【精析】D favorable:有利的;reasonable:合理的;dependable:依赖的;predictable:可预见的,可预料的。根据句意可知,选D。

  6. 【翻译】一些疾病通过某些水生动物传播。


  【精析】D transplant:移植,迁移;transform:转换,改变;transport:运输;transmit:传播,传染。根据句意可知,选D。

  7. 【翻译】婴儿6个月大的时候就能够辨别一些特定的声音,这一事实被提及。


  【精析】C 分析句子结构可知,空格处为同位语从句的连接词。先行词是the fact,后面的从句是陈述句,解释说明fact的内容,且不缺少句子成分,因此连接词应用that。故选C。

  8. 【翻译】会说两门语言而不是一门,有明显的实际好处。


  【精析】C other than:除了;better than:更好;rather than:而不是;less than:更少。根据句意可知,选C。

  9. 【翻译】为什么你不能帮我这个小忙?过去我经常帮你的。


  【精析】D do sb. a favor为固定搭配,意为“帮某人个忙”,故选D。选项A“命令”,选项B“要求”,选项C“努力”均不符合搭配和句意。

  10. 【翻译】他对所发生的一切不负责任。


  【精析】C reliable:可靠的;respective:各自的;responsible:负有责任的;provided:如果。be responsible for意为“对……负责”。故选C。

