
2019年12月10日 15:57:18




  1. The professor needs an assistant that he can _____ to take care of problems in his absence.

  A. count in B. count up

  C. count on D. count out

  2.I am not sure whether l can get any profit from the business, so I can't make a(n) decision _____ about what to do next.

  A. exact B. denied C. sure D. definite

  3. Because of the cold weather, they _____ through the night in the camp.

  A. kept the burning fire

  B. kept the fire burning

  C. kept the fire burnt

  D. kept burning the fire‍

  4. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _____in stores.

  A. ready B. available

  C. probable D. approachable

  5. Many people are reported _____ in the natural disaster.

  A. being killed B. to be killed

  C. to have killed D. to have been killed

  6. If the whole surgery_____beforehand carefully, there would have been a better result.

  A. was planned

  B. has been planned

  C.had been planned

  D.were planned

  7. Jane has said little so far, responding only briefly when

  A.spoken B.speaking to

  C.speaking D.spoken to‍

  8._____to finish quickly.

  A. Not every worker want

  B. No every workers want

  C. Not every worker wants

  D. No every workers wants

  9. The photos on the wall_____grandma of those happy, old days when a large family lived together.

  A. recall B. retain

  C. remember D. remind

  10. You’d better tell me beforehand if _____go with me.

  A. you’ll rather not

  B. you won’t rather

  C. you'd rather not

  D. you'd rather not to

  11. We all hope he’ll soon_____his disappointment and be happy again.

  A. get through B. get away

  C. get up D. get down‍

  12.The problem of environment protection has been studied.

  A. extremely B. intensively

  C. originally D. violently.

  13.All games_____because of the rainstorm, many students could do nothing but study in the classroom.

  A.were canceled

  B.having been canceled.

  C.had been canceled

  D.have been canceled

  14.“Did you buy anything at the clothing store?”

  “Yes, I bought three____shirts for just$120.”

  A. fifty-dollar B. fifties-dollar

  C. fifty-dollars D. fifties-dollars

  15. By the time you get back, great changes_____in this area.

  A. will take place

  B. will be taken place

  C. are going to take place

  D. will have taken place

  16. The boy____now for the 1ight in his room is still on.

  A. must study

  B. must be studying

  C. must have studied

  D. would study‍

  17. _____she was living in Paris that she met her husband Terry.

  A. Just then

  B. It was while

  C. Soon after

  D. During the time when

  18. Technical schools prepare their students for the application of practical skills, they learn in class ____their work.

  A. to B. in C. for D. of

  19. His written English was first-class and he had a(n) _____ vocabulary for a sophomore.

  A. intimate B. initial

  C. inevitable D. incredible

  20. After the company _____the problem of unfair competition, its sales figures dropped to a record low.

  A. look into B. ran into

  C. come into D. put into


  1.C count on sb.:依靠、指望某人,其为固定短语,其他选项均无此意。句意:老师希望在他不在的时候有一个助手帮他处理问题。

  2.D exact:准确的;right:正确的;sure:确信的;一定的;可靠的;definite:明确的、确切的;一定的.、肯定的.。本题中是穿越大西洋的航海旅行,只有voyage符合题意。句意:约翰森夫妇还没有为穿越大西洋的航海旅行作任何准备。

  3.B keep sth. + V.ing形式:使某物继续保持某种状态。句意:由于天气寒冷,他们在野营的夜晚一直点着火。

  4. B ready:准备就绪的、乐意的;available:现成可使用的、可利用的、可得到的;probable:很可能的、大概的;approachable:可接近的、随和的。食物在商店里应该是可以买到的,所以使用available. 句意:商店里有售可直接烹饪的方便食品。

  5. D 动词的过去完成时表示已经发生的动作,同时被报道应使用被动态。句意:据报道,许多人死于这场自然灾害。

  6. C 表示“本可能发生却未发生的事情”, 条件从句用过去完成时, 主句用would have done, should have done, might / could have done。句意:如果事前仔细设计了整个手术的话,结果会更好。‍

  7. D speak to sb.:对某人讲话。此处使用被动态, 别人对Jane说话。句意:Jane寡言少语,当被问及才简单地回答几句。

  8. C every后面的名词用单数,跟动词使用第三人称单数。句意:并不是每一个工人都想迅速地结束。

  9. D recall:回忆起、召回、收回、撤销;retain:保留、保持;remember:记住;remind sb. of :提醒某人某事。句意:墙上的照片使奶奶想起以前一大家子住在一起时快乐的日子。

  10. C would rather not do sth.:不愿做某事。句意:如果你不愿和我去. 你最好提前告诉我。

  11. A get through:完成;度过、通过;讲清楚;打通电话;get away:走开;逃脱;(with)做了坏事而逃脱责罚;get up:起床;get down:下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)着手做。句意:我们希望他会很快结束他的失望和沮丧并且又变得开心起来。

  12. B extremely:极端地、非常地;intensively:集中地、强烈地、密集地;originally:原有地、独创地;violently:暴力地、猛烈地。句意:环境保护的问题正在被深入地研究着。‍

  13. B 现在分词完成被动式 sb./sth. having been done。句意:由于暴风雨,所有的活动被取消了,许多学生只能呆在教室里什么也做不了。

  14. A 在“名词-名词”组合的复合词作为形容词时,一般不需要连字符,因为混淆的可能性很小。如果“形容词-名词”在单独使用情况下为复数形式,在使用连字符时要变单数。句意:“你在服装店买东西了吗?”“是的,我花一百二十美元买了三件价值五十美元的衬衣。”

  15. D 将来完成时:(shall)will+have+动词过去分词,用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成或一直持续的动作。经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,也可与before或by the time引导的现在时的从句连用。句意:到你回来的时候,这个地方会发生很多变化。

  16. B 情态动词后跟现在进行时。句意:男孩的房间灯还亮着,他一定正在学习。‍

  17. B just then:就在那时;while:当...的时候;soon after:不久以后;during the time when:在...期间。句意:当她住在巴黎的时候. 她遇见了她的丈夫Terry.

  18. A apply A to B 将A适用于B。句意:职业学校使学生做好准备,将在课堂上所学到的实际技能使用到工作中去。

  19. D intimate:亲密的;私人的; initial:开始的;inevitable:无法避免的;incredible:令人难以想象的。句意:他的书写英语十分优秀,他拥有着一个大二学生无法达到惊人的词汇量。

  20. B look into:调查、观察;run into:遭遇(困难等);撞在…上;偶然碰见;共计;come into:继承;获得;得到;进来;put into:输入;翻译;进入。句意:自从这家公司遭遇了不公平竞争后. 它的销售指数降到了历史新低。
