
2019年12月09日 15:50:29



  1. ——The dinner was delicious!

  ——I agree. I am so full.

  ——That's too bad. But some dessert ____.

  A. has ordered

  B. will be ordered

  C. has been ordered

  D. was going to be ordered

  答案:C 本题主要考查动词的时态及语态在交际中的应用。根据主语与谓语动词的关系可知是被订购,于是排除选项A;选项B表示将要发生的事情;选项C表示已经发生的事情;选项D表示过去某个时候即将发生的事情。根据前面的That's too bad. 可知,事情已经发生,于是正确答案选C。

  2. ——This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it ____ work.

  ——But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.

  A. may

  B. must

  C. should

  D. could

  答案:C 本题主要考查情态动词的用法。选项A表示事实上的可能或允许;选项B表示要求或肯定的推测;选项C表示建议或根据一般情况的推测;选项D表示较小的可能性。根据句子中的关键词an effective answer可知,后面表示在一般情况下的推测。

  3. We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.

  A. deal with

  B. depend on

  C. carry on

  D. go with

  答案:A 本题主要考查动词短语的意义区别。选项A的意思是处置. 处理;选项B意思是依赖. 依靠;选项C的意思是进行下去,继续开展,坚持下去;选项D的意思是伴随,与……相配,与……持同一看法。。根据语境可知答案选A。

  4. ——Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Jessic.

  ——Oh! Good evening. I'm sorry, but she is not in.

  A. came

  B. come

  C. have come

  D. had come

  答案:C 本题主要考查动词时态的用法。选项A表示过去所发生的事情;选项B表示经常性或习惯性的动作;选项C表示目前的情况;选项D表示过去某时间前所发生的事情。根据语境选C。

  5. ——Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I'm kind of forgetful.

  ——Don't worry about that, you'll be surely ____.

  A. reminded

  B. told

  C. warned

  D. informed

  答案:A 本题主要考查动词的意义区别。选项A意思是提醒;选项B 意思是告诉;选项C意思是警告;选项D意思是通知。根据句意,本题正确答案为A。

  6. ——What's the matter with Tim?

  ——Oh, Tim's cell phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.

  A. to find

  B. to be found

  C. finding

  D. being found

  答案:B 本题主要考查非谓语动词的应用。根据非谓语动词与逻辑主语的关系,可排除选项A. C;而选项B表示出乎意外的. 今后的结果;选项D表示自然的. 经常性的结果。

  7. A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries in the world paid close attention to this.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. which

  D. what

  答案:B 本题主要是对非限制性定语从句中关系词的考查。分析句子可知,关系词在此作定语,故排除选项D;根据句子结构,先行词在从句中作状语,从而排除选项C;根据句子的意思可知,先行词应该是at the end of 2004,而不是in that district,故本题的正确答案为B。

  8. ——How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

  ——We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

  A. added

  B. included

  C. contained

  D. charged

  答案:B 考查动词。根据句意“你的帐单中已包括刚才比打破的杯子的费用。”include(have as a part)指包含不同的一部分,contain(have within itself)着重指被容纳的东西是整体中的组成部分。

  9. ——You didn't wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?

  ——No, but we ____. He didn't return home at all.

  A. couldn't have

  B. needn't have

  C. didn't need to

  D. should wait have

  答案:C 考查情态动词。根据语境“No”可知“我们没有等”。根据“He didn't return home at all. ”说明“我们不必等。”而B项表示已等过。

  10. ——How do you think I should receive the reporter?

  ——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.

  A. How

  B. What

  C. Whatever

  D. However

  答案:D 根据语境可知不管你觉得他怎样,尽量礼貌地对他。however引导让步状语从句,在从句中作feel的表语。
