
2019年12月06日 14:43:41





  The nations that actively So far, Irving has lived(live) in New York City for ten years.

  Many a writer of newspaper articles has turned (trun) to writing novelsduring the past decade.

  Some people think relations between people have deteriorated(deteriorate) somuch that understanding and friendship are almost impossible .

  Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened(happen)to her.

  In the past two decades, research has expanded (expand) our knowledge about sleep and dreams .


  The nations that actively areinvolved (involve) inearth quake prediction programs include Japan, Russia, and the United States.



  If you had come earlier, you would not have missed(notmiss) the first act of the play.

  If it hadn‘t been for your help, we would have been (be) in real trouble.

  B.在表示建议、命令、要求以及表示“重要性”和“紧迫性”等含义的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,由“动词原形”或“should + 动词原形”构成。should 常常省略

  I would recommend that you should think (think) about doing somethingsimilar for yourself.

  It was imperative that students should finish (finish) their papers beforeJuly 1st.

  C.动词wish 、would rather(sooner)、if only、as if 后的虚拟语气。

  I would rather he _bought( 表示从句中动作尚未发生) (buy) the house next year.

  She treats me as if I were (be) a stranger.

  The manager told us to be friendly to the visitors as if we had met(meet) them before.

  If only we should have (have) a phone! I‘m tired of waiting outside thepublic phone box.

  D.in case , for fear that , lest 等词后从句的谓语动词为(should)+ 原形。

  He took his umbrella with him lest it should rain_ (rain.)

  E.在It is (high) timethat 从句中谓语动词一般用过去时动词。

  It‘s high time that we took(take) firm measures to protect ourenvironment.



  If we had set out earlier,we wouldn‘t be walkingin the rain.

