
2019年09月25日 11:35:21



  1. Scientists now have some surprising answers about whether brain power as we get older.

  A. reduces

  B. descends

  C. collapses

  D. declines

  2. These books are designed to children.

  A. agree with

  B. apply for

  C. address to

  D. appeal to

  3. The school isn’t the one I really wanted to go, but I suppose I’ll just have to it.

  A. make the best of

  B. get away from

  C. keep an eye on

  D. catch up with

  4. Constant showers are characteristic the summer here.

  A. for

  B. to

  C. of

  D. with

  5. We must find a way to cut prices reducing our profits too much.

  A. without

  B. despite

  C. with

  D. for


  1. 【翻译】关于是否我们的大脑功能会随着我们年龄的增长而衰退,科学家有一些令人吃惊的回答。


  【精析】D reduce:减少,缩小;descend:下降;collapse:倒塌,瓦解;decline:下降,衰退。选项A、B、C均不合题意,故选D。

  2. 【翻译】这些书是为了吸引孩子们而设计的。


  【精析】D agree with:同意,和……意见一致;apply for:申请,请求;address to:写信给,对……说;appeal to:对……有吸引力,引起……的兴趣。根据句意可知,选D。

  3. 【翻译】这不是我真正想上的学校,但是我想我会做到最好。


  【精析】A make the best of:充分利用(时间、机会等),尽量好好去做;get away from:避免,摆脱,逃离;keep an eye on:照看,留意,密切注视;catch up with:赶上,追上。根据句意可知,选A。

  4. 【翻译】持续的阵雨天气是这里夏天的特征。


  【精析】C be characteristic of是固定搭配,意为“是……的特征,为……所特有”。故选C。

  5. 【翻译】我们必须找到在不降低太多利润的前提下降低价格的方法。


  【精析】A without:不,没有;despite:尽管,不管;with:用,随着,和……一起;for:为了。根据句意可知,选A。
