
2019年04月28日 11:00:39


  1. There is only one boat for hire. I’m afraid you have to wait for the next one.

  A. superior

  B. capable

  C. complicated

  D. available

  2. I think fishing is a nice hobby but needs a good deal of .

  A. relation

  B. limitation

  C. strength

  D. patience

  3. Finally we made a that I should cook dinner and she would wash up after.

  A. trip

  B. bargain

  C. face

  D. fool

  4. The old man was found on the floor.

  A. lying dead

  B. lying death

  C. laying dead

  D. laying death

  5. If one a crime, he will be punished.

  A. makes

  B. commits

  C. performs

  D. achieves

  6. So much about his ships on the sea that he didn’t sleep for a single minute all night.

  A. did he worry

  B. he did worry

  C. he worried

  D. worried he

  7. His new novel is said into a film last year.

  A. to make

  B. to have made

  C. to be made

  D. to have been made

  8. He tried several times to pass the exam. the end, he succeeded.

  A. On

  B. In

  C. At

  D. By

  9. The report of an earthquake(地震) in the South China Sea has not been yet.

  A. conflicted

  B. confused

  C. confined

  D. confirmed

  10. The clouds are gathering. We’d better hurry and the department store in case it rains.

  A. hand in

  B. face up to

  C. head for

  D. back up


  1. 【翻译】只有一条船可以雇用。恐怕你得等下一条船了。


  【精析】D superior:上级的,优秀的,出众的;capable:能干的,能胜任的,有才华的;complicated:复杂的;available:有效的,可得的,可利用的。根据句意可知,选D。

  2. 【翻译】我认为钓鱼是个不错的爱好,但是需要极大的耐心。


  【精析】D relation:关系,亲属,联系;limitation:限制,限度;strength:力气,力量;patience:耐性,耐心,忍耐。根据句意可知,选D。

  3. 【翻译】最终我们达成协议:我做晚饭,然后她洗碗。


  【精析】B make a bargain为固定搭配,意为“成交,达成协议”。故选B。

  4. 【翻译】这个老人被发现躺在地板上死了。


  【精析】A lying是lie的现在分词形式,此处意为“躺着”;laying为lay的现在分词形式,意为“放置,产卵”,所以可首先排除选项C、D。dead:无生命的,呆板的,为形容词;death:死亡。此处应用形容词dead作主语the old man的补语,表示一种状态。综合考虑上述因素,选A。

  5. 【翻译】如果一个人犯了罪,他就会受到惩罚。


  【精析】B commit a crime为固定搭配,意为“犯罪”。故选B。

  6. 【翻译】他如此担心出海的船队以至于整夜都没有睡觉。


  【精析】A 在so…that引导的结果状语从句中,当so位于句首时,句子的主谓需要部分倒装。其基本结构为:so+形容词+系动词+主语+that从句,或者so+副词+助动词+主语+谓语+that从句。故选A。

  7. 【翻译】据说他的新小说去年被改编成了电影。


  【精析】D 根据句意可知,空处所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,所以应用不定式的完成式。又因novel和make存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用被动形式。故选D。

  8. 【翻译】他几次努力想通过考试,最后终于成功了。


  【精析】B on the end不能搭配使用;in the end:终于,最终,最后;at the end:在……的终点,到……尽头,一般要与of搭配使用;by the end:到……为止,一般要与of搭配使用。故选B。

  9. 【翻译】有关中国南海发生地震的报道还没有被证实。


  【精析】D conflict:冲突,抵制,争执;confuse:使混乱,使困惑;confine:限制,禁闭;confirm:确认,确定,证实。根据句意可知,选D。

  10. 【翻译】乌云密布,我们最好快点去百货商店,以防下雨。


  【精析】C hand in:交上,提交,呈送;face up to:大胆面对,勇敢地面对;head for:驶向,前往;back up:支持,援助。根据句意可知,选C。
