
2018年11月21日 14:56:09


  1.You should be able to _____right from wrong。

  A.perceive B.distinguish C.sight D.observe


  【解析】distinguish right from wrong的意思是“分清是非”,是固定搭配。所以B是正确答案。A的意思是“感觉、觉察”,C的意思是“看到、发现D的意思是“观察”,均不符合题意。

  2.Any student who____ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.

  A.reduces B.offends C.practices D.neglects


  【解析】本句的意思是: 任何做作业不认真的同学都不可能通过考试。 A的意思是“减少、缩小”,B的意思是“冒犯、得罪”,C的意思是“练习”,D的意思是“疏忽、玩忽”,所以只有D符合题意。

  3.I promised to look ______the matter as soon as I got there.

  A.for B.in C. into D.after


  【解析】look into:调查;look for:寻找。例如:Will you help me look for my gloves?(你能帮我寻找我的手套吗?) look in:朝里面看。例如:I looked in my purse and discovered I' d only got a five pound note.(我朝钱包里一看,发现只有一张五英镑的钞票。)look after;照顾、照看。例如:He has looked after his elderly parents for many years.(他照料年迈的父母已经多年了。)本句的意思是: 我保证一到那儿就调查这件事情。因此C正确。

  4. Your sister has made an_______ for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.

  A. appointment B.interview C.opportunity D.assignment


  【解析】appointment:约会、约定。make(或fix) an appointment的意思是“预约”是固定搭配。interview:面试;opportunity:机会;assignment:工作.任务。

  5. The committee is expected to _____a decision this evening.

  A.reach B.arrive C.bring D.take


  【解析】习惯上说:come to a decision, arrive at a decision, reach a decision,意思都是“做出决定”。

  6. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t _____what he said.

  A.make for B.make sure C.make over D.make out

  【答案】 D

  【解析】make out有“辨认出、听出”的意思。例如:It was difficult to make out what was said over the loudspeaker in the square.(很难听清楚广场上的扩音喇叭里在说什么。) make for:走向,朝……前进。例如:It's late. We' d better make for home:(时间不早了,我们最好赶快回家。)Make for the beach !(向海滩前进!)make sure:设法保证。例如:He went round making sure that all the windows were closed.(他巡视了一遍,看看所有的窗户是否都已关上。) make over:翻新,改造。例如:The house has been made over into a school(这座房屋已经被改造成一所学校。)Human nature can ' t be made over so easily.(人性并非那么容易改变的。)

  7. I wrote it down _____ I should forget it.

  A.in case B.in case of C.in order that D.for fear of


  【解析】in case:(连词)免得,以防。本句的意思是:我写了下来,以免忘了。例如:Keep the window closed in case it rains.(把窗子关好,以防下雨。)in case of: (介词短语)假如,如果发生。例如:In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.(如遇火警,立即按铃。) in order that:(连词,引导目的状语从句)为了……。例如:In order that he should not be late , his mother woke him at 6.(为了使他不迟到,他母亲在6点钟叫醒他。) for fear of (介词短语)生怕。例如:She left an hour earlier for fear of missing her train:(她提早一小时离开,以免误了火车。)

  8. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ______ the time.

  A.offer B. leave C.afford D.manage


  【解析】afford:(常接在can , be able to后面)买得起,负担得起(损失、费用)。例如:He is not rich enough to afford a car.(他并不太富有,还买不起汽车。)Can you afford the time?(你能抽得出时间吗?)

  9. The chemical factory was demolished ______ protecting the environment.

  A. in spite of B.in honor of C.in favor of D.in the name of


  【解析】in the name of:用……的名义,代表……本句的意思是:以保护环境的名义,这个化工厂被拆除了。 例如:open an account in the name of John Smith(用约翰·史密斯的名字开户)。in spite of:不顾,不管。例如:In spite of what you say, I still believe he is honest.(不管你说什么,我还是相信他是诚实的。) in honor of 为了向……表示敬意,为了纪念...例如:They gave a banquet in honor of the delegation.(他们设宴招待代表团。) in favour of:赞同,支持。例如:He refused a job in government in favour of a university appointment.(他拒绝了政府部门的工作而选择了大学的一个职位。)
