
2016年12月27日 17:09:09



  重点:虚拟语气的基本用法及其常见形式,如含if 条件句的句子,as if 从句; it is necessary/ important that 从句; suggest (建议)等词后面的宾语从句; it is suggested that 从句; suggestion等词后面的同位语从句,表语从句; wish 后面的宾语从句等。

  11. It is necessary that he ______ there on time.

  A. is B. be C. will D. has been

  12. Mary wishes that she ______ law instead of history when she was in college.

  A. study B. studied C. has studied D. had studied

  13. I wish I ______ busy yesterday; I could have helped you with the problem

  A. was not B. were not C. have not been D. had not been

  14. It’s high time ______ about the traffic problem.

  A. something was done B. everything is done C. anything will be done D. nothing to done

  15. In spite of the noise, he went on working ______ nothing were happening.

  A. as if B. because C. although D. where

  16. 他的行为好像小孩子一样 [He behaves as if he were a child.]

  17. If I had known all this before, I would not speak to him that way.

  18. 如果你早一点告诉我,我就不会错过这个机会了。

  [If you had told me a bit earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the chance.]

  19. If you had followed the doctor’s advice, (你现在就不会再床上躺着了)

  [you wouldn’t lie in bed now]

  20. 如果我昨天来的话,我会跟你们一起去野餐的。

  [I had come yesterday , I would have gone for the picnic with you.]

  21. If her grandfather would have three more days, he would have been 100 years old.

  答案:11.B 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A 17.C: would not have spoken 21.A: had lived
