
2016年12月22日 13:45:11


  21. -Do you know anything about the meeting ______ in Italy?

  -Yes, and as a matter of fact I attended it.

  A. to be held B. held C. being held D. to hold

  22. There are about 70 people ______ in the accident.

  A. were killed B. who killed C. killing D. killed

  23. It’s such a big room. If you don’t speak loud enough, you’ll never make yourself ______.

  A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard

  24. In earliest times, people had eaten their food______.

  A.uncooked B. being uncooked C. uncooking D. to be uncooked

  25. The hunters had the fire ______ at the night in the woods.

  A. burnt B. burning C. to burn D. burned

  26. John went to town yesterday and had his bike ______ there.

  A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired

  27. My wife is planning to have the furniture ______ light gray.

  A. paint B. painting C. to paint D. painted

  28. The dress doesn’t fit, I’ll have to have it ______.

  A. sold B. charged C. changed D. adopted

  29. Mr. Smith had the report ______ as soon as he finished ______ it.

  A. to be typed…to write B. typed…to write C. being typed…writing D. typed…writing

  30. ______ white, the kitchen looks much better than before.

  A. Paints B. Painted C. Paining D. To paint

  答案: 21.B 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.B