
2016年12月16日 09:59:33

 1. The fire must have _______ after the shop was closed.

  A. broken out B. broken down C. broken in D. broken through

  2. He is _______ join the army.

  A. too young to B. enough young to C. very young to D. young enough to

  3. Finally he got time for a glance _______ this report.

  A. off B. round C. on D. at

  4. Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _______.

  A. practical B. possible C. plentiful D. precious

  5. He enjoys _______ pop music while I prefer classical music.

  A. to listen to B. to listen C. listening D. listening to

  6. When the little girl awoke, she found herself _______ by a group of soldiers.

  A. surround B. be surrounded C. being surrounded D.being surrounding

  7. The manager lost his _______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

  A. mood B. temper C. mind D. passion

  8. There are several characteristics of the textbook _______ attention.

  A. worthwhile B. worth of C. worthy D. worthy of

  9. The new building _______ all the other buildings in the town.

  A. dwarfs B. distort C. deserts D. depresses

  10. I passed the test. I _______ it without your help.

  A. would not pas B. wouldn’t have passed

  C. didn’t pass D. had not passed

  11. The Internet has brought _______ big changes in the way we work.

  A. about B. out C. back D. up

  12. The father writes in his will that every son and daughter _______ a share of his property.

  A. has B. to have C. having D. have

  13. He hurried to the hospital, only _______his father had just died.

  A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told

  14. _______ tomorrow, he would be able to see the opening ceremony.

  A. Would he come B.If he comes

  C. Was he coming D. Were he to come

  15. The speaker could hardly find safe ground _______ his arguments.

  A. on which to base B to base on

  C. on the base D. which to base on

  16. He is a man who is always _______ fault with other people.

  A. putting B. seeking C.finding D.looking for

  17.The factory had to _______ a number of employees because of the economic crisis in the country.

  A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay down

  18. Would you spare some time to have a chat with me _______ a cup of coffee?

  A. for B. with C. during D. over

  19. Ten days ago the young man _______ his boss _______ his intention to resign.

  A. informed … of B. informed … on

  C. informed … in D. informed … to

  20. It is necessary that he _______ the task by the end of next week.

  A. fulfill B. will fulfill

  C. will have fulfilled D. fulfills





  【解析】A. break out (火灾、战争)爆发;B. break down 失败、出故障;C. break in打断;D. break through突破,根据句意,选A。








  【解析】A. glance off 擦过;B. glance round=glance around 环顾四周;C. glance on 简略提及…;D. glance at 瞥了一眼…,后面加看的具体对象;根据句意,选D。




  【解析】A. practical 实际的、可实施的; B. possible 可能的;C. plentiful大量的;D. precious珍贵的;故选A。




  【解析】enjoy doing 喜欢干某事,而且listen to 也是固定搭配,故选D。








  【解析】A. lose one’s mood 没有心情;B. lose one’s temper 发脾气;C. lose one’s mind思维混乱; D. lose one’s passion 没有激情;根据句意,选B




  【解析】A. worthwhile 后多跟不定式; B、C 这两种形式不存在;D. worthy of +n/doing “值得…”,故选D




  【解析】A. dwarf 使显得矮小;B. distort 扭曲、歪曲;C. desert 放弃;D. depress压抑、使沮丧;根据句意,选A




  【解析】根据题意我们可以判断此题考查的是虚拟语气;又因为发生在过去,那就是对过去的虚拟;过去虚拟主句的形式为“情态动词+ have done”,故选B。




  【解析】A. bring about带来、引起、导致;B. bring out激起、引起、出版;C. bring back 使恢复、使回忆起来;D. bring up 养育、提出;故选A。








  【解析】only to do 为固定搭配,意为“结果…”;又因为句子主语he和tell之间是被动关系,故选B。




  【解析】根据句中tomorrow和wouild be可以判断此题考察的是将来的虚拟,从句的谓语形式可用should/were to do/did三种形式;而且当if省略时,要将if从句中的were、should、had提到主语前,故选D。




  【解析】根据题意可以看出此题考的是定语从句,考察短语base A on B“把A建立在B的基础上”,此题应该是base his arguments on safe ground,所以空前一定是base,排除B;C短语应为on the basis of考察从句,on后用关系代词which代指先行词ground,所以选项on后必须有关系词,只有A符合,故选A.




  【解析】find fault with sb 固定搭配,“找毛病、吹毛求疵”




  【解析】A. lay out 摆放、安排;B. lay off 解雇、关闭;C. lay aside搁置、储蓄; D. lay down 放下、放弃;故选B。




  【解析】根据题意可以先排除A for表原因和B with 表和;C、D都可以表示“在…期间”,但during后多接时间,而over后接sth,故选D。




  【解析】inform sb of sth 固定搭配,“告知某人某事”,故选A。




  【解析】It is necessary/important that …. (should) do固定句型,“…干某事是有必要、重要的”。