
2016年08月31日 10:08:12




Part Vocabulary and Structure (1×40)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


1. Both the blue pink and the blue dresses are pretty but I like the  better.

A. earlierB. beginnerC. formerD. first

2. He made a  to let all children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course.

A. confinement B. commitmentC. conceptionD. commission

3. The people living in these apartments have free  to that swimming pool.

A. accessB. excessC. excursionD. recreation

4. He  the old man with 10 pounds for bringing back the lost dog.

A. rewardedB. prizedC. gaveD. paid

5. He said he would never be intimidated  what he didnt like by big names.

A. doB. to doC. didD. into doing

6. Im sorry to have  you with so many questions on such an occasion.

A. interferedB. offendedC. impressedD. disturbed

7. I only work  weekdays, not  weekends.

A. on; onB. at; atC. on; atD. at; on

8. She grabbed the soap and washed .

A. thoroughlyB. thoroughC. althoughD. though

9. Piano is a popular .

A. machineB. instrumentC. equipmentD. tool

10. We are all  at the way her husband treated her.

A. disgustingB. disgustedC. disgustfulD. disgust

11. There are many proverbs in Chinese. , there are also many proverbs in English.

A. MeanwhileB. SimilarlyC. UsuallyD. Typically

12. Many youngsters  pop songs to old songs. They think pop singers are very cool.

A. supposeB. preferC. suggestD. expect

13. The engineer tried to  the problem with several drawings.

A. recognizeB. impressC. illustrateD. identify

14. She  to book a seat on the next flight.

A. pushedB. drewC. rushedD. stroke

15. His favorite  is playing drums.

A. pastimeB. actionC. habitD. moment

16.  weather may be too hot to the tourists.

A. SoB. SuchC. WhatD. Which

17. He  yesterday morning, and would stay for three days.

A. checked up B. checked onC. checked outD. checked in

18. There is absolutely no need to . We will return to the airport very soon.

A. panicB. terrorC. frightD. rage

19. Id like to  my parentsgreetings to you and your family.

A. confrontB. displayC. consultD. convey

20. The new look of the city has  a deep impression on those foreign visitors.

A. leftB. keptC. markedD. remained

21. It is  impossible to work with this noise around.

A. especiallyB. absolutelyC. unreasonablyD. unusually

22. A  person is extremely thin, in a way that you find unattractive.

A. lonelyB. meanC. braveD. skinny

23. Why is it  the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel?

A. thatB. whetherC. whatD. which

24. I was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire  the man make a fool of himself.

A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. seen

25. Why  me to do it  you can do it yourself?

A. askingthoughB. ask; when

C. to ask; sinceD. asked; while

26. I was too  to ask him for help.

A. embarrassedB. embarrassingC. thrilledD. thrilling

27. Overworking can be a  on both body and mind.

A. taskB. burdenC. botherD. weight

28. The fire soon  the whole town.

A. spread throughB. spread downC. spreaded overD. spreaded out

29. The accident in which two people were seriously injured resulted  careless driving.

A. inB. from C. onD. of

30. Law school doesnt  as many years as medical school does.

A. take B. costC. spendD. pay

31.  opposing views, our boss declared that the company would enter the furniture market.

A. Despite ofB. AlthoughC. ThoughD. In spite of

32. People  believe that the sun went around the earth.

A. would B. be used toC. will D. used to

33. When I saw the expression on his face, I realized he is  agreement with me.

A. inB. forC. toD. on

34. She didnt want to go to Africa: probably  the weather is too hot.

A. forB. becauseC. sinceD. as

35. She is very  to his ugly appearance.

A. sensibleB. sensitiveC. senseD. sentimental

36. It was only a  injury, not all that serious.

A. slightB. specialC. similarD. substantial

37. They were  white.

A. dressedB. put onC. dressed upD. dressed in

38. My children are looking forward to  a trip to Paris.

A. make B. makingC. be makingD. have made

39.  he tried to explain any new idea, he just couldnt make himself understood.

A. WhoeverB. WhateverC. WhereverD. Whenever

40. Because they are  a date, many of us believe that they are in love.

A. inB. onC. outD. at


Part Cloze(1×20)

DirectionsThere are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the  Answer Sheet.

Peoples attitudes 41 giftgiving may 42 from country to country, 43 the desire to convey a feeling of friendship is universal. Here is an example to 44 the differences.

Japan is a 45 country. It is not 46 in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is 47 or has been helpful. When people do that, the gifts 48 be substantial and expensive. 49, at least in the typical Japanese style, it is not 50 to attach a thankyou note or card to the gift. Japanese people may express their 51 and friendship directly through the gift they have 52 and given to the person they love and respect.

In 53, you are likely to get more cards 54 gifts in the United States. A card may come with a small gift or no gift at all. In general, American people dont 55 very much whether the gift is expensive or not. As a matter of 56, your gift to them would be 57 all the more if you made it yourself 58 buying it from a store. and the words on the card seem to be the most important thing. 59 someone does not have a card on hand, he or she would write you a thankyou note on a piece of paper, give it to you 60 or put it in your pigeon hole.

41. A. towardsB. inC. onD. of

42. A. differB. changeC. varyD. become

43. A. ifB. even thoughC. soD. thus

44. A. argueB. proveC. againstD. illustrate

45. A. gift giveB. giftgivingC. gift receiveD. giftreceiving

46. A. unusualB. commonC. uniqueD. extraordinary

47. A. comingB. goingC. leavingD. staying

48. A. is likely toB. tend toC. turn toD. like to

49. A. HoweverB. DespiteC. ButD. Thus

50. A. orderedB. demandedC. requiredD. suggested

51. A. purposesB. sympathyC. apologiesD. gratitude

52. A. selectB. selectingC. chosenD. choose

53. A. comparisonB. contrastC. contractD. contrary

54. A. asB. thanC. toD. then

55. A. care forB. care aboutC. care D. care to

56. A. truthB. finding C. factD. case

57. A. appreciatedB. regardedC. receivedD. supposed

58. A. instead ofB. whenC. insteadD. despite of

59. A. WhetherB. SinceC. As D. When

60. A. in personB. in man C. by personD. for person


Part Reading Comprehension (2×20)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete sentences. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

When I was studying English at a training center in Washington D.C. in 1998, I shared a house with two young Americans, Jim and Steve. Jim was studying French and Steve Chinese, both at the Foreign Service Institute. We shared many things in common, but we also thought and acted quite differently. Steve was interested in speaking Chinese. He always tried every opportunity to talk with me with his very Englishlike pronunciation. I was often touched by his diligence. However, I wanted to practice English with him, too. So we often spoke at the same time in the others mother tongue. Jim was fresh from college and the youngest of the three. He was going out all the time. The only time we met was at breakfast. There was a small round table in our kitchen, where we sat around to enjoy our food. Steve had Chinese fast food such as dumplings or noodles, and I ate bread and boiled eggs. But Jim often just drank a cup of tea because he had nothing in his fridge. He was too busy dating pretty French girls to do any shopping. I often offered him some of my food. But Steve told me in his poor Chinese that I didnt need to do that. He said that it was Jims own fault and that it served him right. Although he was learning  Chinese, he still held his American sense of values.

Two years later, I returned to China. The three of us still keep in touch, Jim now works in a travel agency in Paris. He got married to one of the pretty girls. He wrote to tell us that he can now enjoy a delicious breakfast with his beautiful wife every morning in their comfortable living room. Steve wants to work in China. and Im helping him with this. I have introduced him to the dean of the Oversea Section of our university. He is very interested in Steve. He wants to know if Steve can work here teaching the oversea students Chinese. I have sent the message to Steve. Im sure hed be very happy to accept the job. However, I hope he could try harder to improve himself. Otherwise, all the overseas students would speak with his terrible pronunciation!

61. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The three of them were all language majors.

B. Steve and Jim were more alike in character.

C. The author didnt enjoy talking with Steve.

D. Their living condition was rather poor.

62.  What is the authors opinion of Steve?

A. Steve was a very hardworking fellow.

B. Steve enjoyed cooking Chinese food.

C. Steve enjoyed shopping more than Jim.

D. Steves Chinese accent was quite pure.

63.  Which of the following is TRUE about Jim?

A. Going out with girls cost him a lot of time.

B. He had a French way of making friends.

C. He learned French in order to date Paris girls.

D. He liked doing housework.

64.  The last sentence of the first paragraph implies that .

A. Steve didnt like offering help to others

B. American people only eat their own food

C. American and Chinese differ in their sense of values

D. Steve wanted Jim to do his own shopping

65.  From the last paragraph, we can learn that .

A. Jim is a very good husband

B. Steve enjoys teaching Chinese

C. The author works for overseas students

D. The three friends still keep in touch

Passage Two

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved. It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the childthings that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do as what he wishes to do; he is continually being told what to do and what not to do. Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. and if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble. If, however, he works hard, goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.

Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be, but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life, they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them; and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others.

66.  The happiest people should be those who .

A. face up to difficulties in lifeB. hope to be young again

C. enjoy life in different agesD. wish to grown up

67.  The word they underlined in Line 4, Para. 2 refers to .

A. older people B. new thingsC. childrenD. interests

68.  A child has his pains because .

A. he can not do whatever he wants to B. he is not allowed to play in rain

C. he has a lot of new things to learnD. he can not play at the seaside freely

69.  When a child becomes a grownup, he is supposed to .

A. live comfortablyB. take responsibilities

C. make progress in job D. impress the society

70.  The best title of the passage might be .

A. Pains and Ages B. Differences in Ages

C. The Best Age to BeD. Happiness and Ages

Passage Three

Life really should be one long journey of joy for children who are born with a world of wealth at their tiny feet. But experts on psychological research now believe that silver spoons can leave a bitter taste. If suicide statistics are a sign of happiness, then the rich are a miserable lot. Figures show that it is the rich who most often do away with themselves.

Dr. Robert Coles, an internationally famous doctor, is the worlds top expert on the influence of money on children. He has written a wellreceived book on the subject, The  Privileged Ones, and his research shows that too much money in the family can cause as many problems as too little. Obviously there are certain advantages to being rich,says the 53yearold doctor, such as better health, education and future work expectation, but most important is the quality of family life. Money cant buy love.

It can buy a lot of other things, though,  and thats where the trouble starts. Rich kids have so much to choose from that they often become confused. Their parentsover favoring can make them spoiled. They tend to travel more than other children, from home to home and country to country, which often makes them feel restless.

But privileged children do have a better sense of their positions in the world,adds Mr. Coles, and they are more selfassured.

Todays rich parents perhaps have realized that their riches can be more of a burden than a favor to their children. So their priority is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

71.  According to the passage ,children of rich families .

A. enjoy travelingB. can buy love

C. usually commit suicideD. are not always happy

72.  Dr. Robert Coles believes that .

A. being rich has as many advantages as being poor

B. rich children often get too little entertainment

C. rich children sometimes cant enjoy the thing they are most in need of

D. rich children arent given enough things

73.  Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A. It is love that is always lacking in rich and poor families alike.

B. Silver spoons can sometimes leave a bitter taste.

C. Money cant buy everything.

D. Rich children are often confused because they have so much to choose from.

74.  The expression silver spoonsin Paragraph 1 means .

A. very expensive spoonsB. rich people

C. wealthD. spoons made of silver

75.  This article is written mainly to tell readers that .

A. the rich are more likely to do away with themselves

B. money can bring a lot of things, including love

C. life is always happy for children of rich parents

D. rich parents should realize what is important in the family is love rather than money

Passage Four

Charlene, 16yearold student at a high school, found herself faced with a maths test to which she knew none of the answers. Rather than fail, she took the test out with her and filled in the answers with the help of her friends. During a break, she got back into the classroom without being seen, crumpled(揉皱) the test with her shoe, and left it lying on the floor. The teacher thought it had been dropped when the tests were collected; she  corrected it, and Charlene received a B.

Cheating is, of course, nothing new. But today, educators are finding that cheating on the part of students has become more frequent than in the past. Whether it is copying a friends homework, using a prepared sheet on an exam, stealing advance copies of a final, writing down rules in ones hand, or paying someone else to write a term paper, cheating appears to have gained acceptance among a growing number of students between 13 and 19.

In a 1978 study of cheating at twentytwo high schools in Georgia, it was found that cheating was common among good and poor students alikealthough both boys and girls said they thought boys cheated more.

Why is student on the rise? No one really knows. Some blame cheating on a general loss of good values among todays youth. They point to facts showing increased damage of public things and school stealing and think that reports, such as Watergate(水门事件), have disappointed youth about the honesty of people in higher position.

Others think that todays youth are far more practical than their forefathers(先辈). In the late sixties and early seventies, students were filled with imaginations about changing the world, but todays students feel great stress to succeed.

76.  According to Paragraph 1, Charlene took the test out because .

A. her friends could answer none of the problems

B. she tore the test paper to pieces

C. she stepped her shoes on the test paper

D. she did not want to fail in the maths test

77.  Charlene passed the test because .

A. she answered all the questions by herself

B. she did the test by cheating

C. she persuaded her teacher to give her a B

D. she returned to the classroom to redo the test

78.  Which of the following is not an example to show that cheating is becoming more and more common?

A. A student pays another for doing a test paper.

B. A student writes down something to be tested before an exam.

C. A student gets well prepared in his studies before an exam.

D. A student gets homework from his classmate and then  copies it.

79.  The 1978 study of cheating in Georgia shows that .

A. only students in the 24 high schools cheated in examinations

B. both good and poor students cheated in examinations

C. more girls cheated in examinations than boys did

D. boys like cheating while girls did not like it

80.  One of the facts for the rise of cheating is that .

A. more and more public things are damaged

B. good values disappoint students

C. more and more students begin to steal

D. honest people are in higher positions


Part Translation (2×10)

DirectionsThere are 10 sentences in this part. Please translate sentences 81~85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86~90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

81. 这个漂亮干净的城市给外国旅游者留下了深刻的印象。

82. 他们住进了市里最好的宾馆。

83. 教师应当更多地关注学生的差异。

84. 不敲门就进屋是不礼貌的。

85. 你开车时系安全带吗?

86. Id like to make an appointment with Dr. Smith.

87. He is more of a poet than a musician.

88. Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves.

89. Can you promise to return me the computer?

90. A typical English gentleman often takes an umbrella with him.


Part Error Correction (1×10)

Directions:  There are 10 sentences in this part. Each sentence has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are required to identify the incorrect part, and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the Answer Sheet.

91. As usuallyA, when his parents dontB like what he wearsC, they start to bugD him.

92. He is an experiencedA businessman; he has engagingB in foreign tradeC for a few yearsD.

93. It A was soB a long journey thatC we felt very tired whenD we arrived.

94. Jenny is anA university studentB, andC she is an honestD girl.

95. ItA took fifteen minutes for her realizeB that she had spelledC my name incorrectlyD.

96. LetsA give the patient theB hand. The car is waiting forC us  outsideD the school.

97.  Every means haveA been triedB butC without muchD success.

98. No soonerA he hadB entered the room thanC the telephone rang.D

99. ItA was inB the classroom whichC we had class meetingD yesterday.

100. NoA one knowsB thatC the experiment will succeed or notD.


Part Writing (1×20)

Directions:  For this part, youre required to write a composition with at least 120 words on the topic Happiness In My Mind. Please write it on the Answer Sheet.

Happiness In My Mind