
2022年02月22日 16:43:54



  as a matter of fact( = actually)事实上

  be absorbed in专心于,全神贯注于

  concentrate on (doing) sth. 集中注意力于,全神贯注于

  remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事

  insist on (doing)坚持做

  make (no) sense (没)有意义、道理

  have no choice but to do除了做...外别无选择

  have nothing to do but do除....外无事可做

  adapt/ adjut..o...适......

  be aceused of/be charged with .....被指控

  find fault with .....的茬儿,挑剔

  reach/ arrive at/ make an agreement 达成协议

  instead of 而不是,代替

  have an efect on 对....有影响(注意)

  influence, effect, affect, impact 这几个词的区别)

  devote oneself to/be devoted to ( doing,致力于,投身于

  throw oneself into积极投身到

  dedicate yourself/sth. to sth. /to doing

  sth. ....献给(做.....

  out of sight看不见

  catch a glimpse of瞥见

  reach/ arrive at/ come to/ draw a conclusion 得出结论

  depend/rely on取决于,依靠

  practice/ practise (doing) sth.练习做某事

  appeciate doing sth. 感激做某事

  look forward to doing期待做.....

  be famous for .....而著名


  have access to接近,有接触...的机会、权利


  respond to .对....的反应

  approach to .... 的方法

  spend time/ 'money ( in ) doing sth. /on sth.在某事上花费时间或金钱

  be involved in涉及,被卷人

  go for喜欢,拥护

  be composed of/ consist of/be made up of ....组成

  for the sake of 为了

  bother sb. with/ about sth.某事给某人造成麻烦

  in private 私下里


  now that= in that既然,因为

  make a difference有关系,有影响

  make progress取得进步

  out of reach够不着

  out of stock 没有库存

  on condition that条件是

  as long as只要,条件是

  providing/ provided that 假如,以....为...条件