
2022年01月10日 08:52:14


  一. 常接to do的搭配

  (1)动词+to do:

  decide/determine, learn, want, expect/ hope;refuse, manage, wish, pretend; offer, promise, choose, plan;agree, ask/ beg, help等记忆口诀:决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装;主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。

  (2)动词+sb./sth. +to do:

  如:want, get, wish, expect, ask, tell, order, command, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, drive, forbid, encourage, call on, wait for, invite, teach, remind, request, prefer, train, warn等注:特殊动词常跟不带to的不定式作宾补,但变为被动语态后,不定式的to不能省略。这类特殊动词有:记忆口诀:五看三使役:see/look/watch/notice/observe, make/let/have

  二听一感半帮助:hear/listen to, feel, (to) help



  ① It + be + 形容词 + for/of ... + to doIt be + difficult/easy/important/impossible/necessary(修饰事情)... for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是……的It be + careless/clever/foolish/silly/stupid/kind/brave(修饰人)... of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是……的It is important for me to learn a foreign language.It is kind of you to help me.② It + be +名词词组 + to do常用名词词组:a pity, a fact, a pity, a shame, an honour, a questionIt’s a pity to leave so early.③ It + takes (sb.)+ 时间(金钱)+ to doIt will take a whole day to get to the top of the mountain on foot. 步行将花费一整天时间到达山顶。

  二. 常接doing的搭配


  consider, suggest/ advise, look forward to, excuse/ pardon;admit, succeed in, delay/ put off;avoid, miss, keep/ keep on, practice;deny, finish, enjoy, appreciate;forbid, imagine, risk; can’t help, mind, allow/ permit, escape等记忆口诀:考虑建议盼原谅,承认成功要推迟。避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。



  无论是普通介词还是含介词的动词短语,一般情况下要用doing作宾语。常见短语比如:be used to (习惯于) + doing be accustomed to (习惯于) + doingbe opposed to (反对) + doing object to (反对) + doinglead to (导致) + doing be devoted to (献身于) + doing(devote oneself to doing)stick to (坚持,坚守) + doing get down to (着手) + doingpay attention to (注意) + doing reduce sb./sth.to (使沦为) + doinglook forward to (期待) + doing resort to(依靠,求助于) + doingMr. Smith gave up smoking according to his doctor’s advice.Jealousy and anger usually lead to doing the wrong thing.


  spend .../have difficulty + (in) doing 花费……/有困难做某事They spend two hours in doing excise every day.We have much difficulty (in) understanding what he says.

  三. 接to do和doing后意义不同的单词

  河南专升本英语接to do和doing后意义不同的单词

  四. 易混感官动词,使役动词

  (1)感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, hear, feel等(以see为例)see sb./sth. doing sth 看见……正在做see sb./sth. do sth 看见……做了

  (2)使役动词 make, let, have, getmake sb./sth. do 让……做make sb./sth. done 让……被做let sb./sth. do 让……做let sb./sth. be done 让……被做have sb./sth. do 让……做某事have sb./sth. doing 让……持续做某事have sb./sth. done 让……被做get sb./sth. to do 使……做某事get sb./sth. doing 使……正在做某事get sb./sth. done 使……被做

  (3)固定搭配 leave, keep, find, catchleave sb./sth. doing 让……处于某种状态She always leaves the light burning all night long.He left me waiting outside in the rain.leave sth. undone/unfinished/unsettled/untouched 留下……未做I’m sorry I’ve left some of your questions unanswered.leave sb. to do 留下某人去做某事We must leave the children to settle their affairs themselves.keep sb./sth. doing 使……一直做keep sb./sth. done 使……被(表示被动且完成,或表示状态)find sb./sth. doing 发现……正在做某事find sb./sth. done 发现……已经(表示完成或状态)catch sb./sth. doing 撞见……正在做某事