
2022年01月06日 11:10:48



  Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are two sections in it.

  Section I

  Directions: There are 4 passages In this section. After each passage there are 5 questions. Each question is followed by four choices A). B). C). and D). You should choose the best answers to the questions and mark the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Passage I

  Most Americans switch careers at least three times throughout their lives. Gone are the days when people retired from the company where they first worked. The progressive mentality (心态) regarding business and technology often ensures that people move from position to position as they try to find the right career for them.

  Recent college graduates ask "what career is right for me?" many times in the months before and after graduation Now more than ever, people are also asking “what career is right for me?" into their thirties, forties and fifties. Even baby boomers (生育高峰期出生的人)are asking “what job is right for me?" as they retire and reenter the workforce in their sixties and seventies. It seems that every employee in America is wondering which career path fits him or her best.

  When you find yourself asking "what career is best for me?", follow some of these simple tips to set yourself straight on the best path for you.

  26. According to the first paragraph, most Americans now ______.

  1. Consult a website and take its test to see which career path might be right for you.

  2. Think about whether you are happy with your current job.

  3. Emphasize your skills in your resume.

  4. Do more research about the new career.