
2021年12月07日 14:49:40


  1. By the time you get to New York, I _______for London.

  A. would be leaving

  B. am leaving

  C. have already left

  D. shall have left

  2. The article suggests that when a person _______ under unusual stress he should beespecially careful to have a well-balanced diet.

  A. is

  B. were

  C. be

  D. was

  3. The lawyer advised him to drop the _______, since he stands little chance to win.

  A. event

  B. incident

  C. case

  D. affair

  4.Sometimes children have trouble _______fact from fiction and may believe thatsuch things actually exist.

  A. to separate

  B. separating

  C. for separating

  D. of separating

  5. He is quite sure that it's ________ impossible for him to fulfill the task within twodays.

  A. absolutely

  B. exclusively

  C. fully

  D. roughly

  6. There was a big hole in the road which ________ the traffic.

  A. set back

  B. stood back

  C. held up

  D. kept down

  7. Manya delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee _______ toinvestigate the incident.

  A. were set up

  B. was set up

  C. be set up

  D. set up

  8. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives play ________ roles inraising children.

  A. incapable

  B. indispensable

  C. insensible

  D. infinite

  9. Eyecontact is important because wrong contact may create a communication ________.

  A. tragedy

  B. vacuum

  C. question

  D. barrier

  10.There was such a long line at the exhibition ________ we had to wait for abouthalf an hour.

  A. as

  B. that

  C. so

  D. hence


  1. D


  2. A


  3. C


  4. B

  本题为搭配题,表示做某事有困难,一般用have trouble in doing something, in可以省略,所以答案为B。

  5. A

  本题为搭配同现题,一般表示"完全不可能,绝对不可能用absolutely impossible。

  6. C

  本题表示由于道路中间有个大洞,交通受到阻碍。set back表示"使受挫折", stand back表示 "向后站", hold up表示"阻挡,拦截", keep down表示 "镇压,保留"。根据本题的意思,应该填hold up, 表示交通受阻。

  7. C

  本题是对虚拟语气的考查,在表示 "命令,建议,要求" 的名词性从句中要用should 加原形动词,should可以省略,所以答案为C。

  8. B

  incapable表示 "无能", insensible表示"无知觉,麻木",indispensable表示 "必不可少", infinite表示"无限的"。本题表示父母在育儿方面是必不可少的,所以答案 B。

  9. D

  本题为话题同现。不正确的眼睛交流有可能造成交流上的障碍。Tragedy 意为 "悲剧",question意为 "问题", vacuum意为 "真空", barrier意为 "障碍物",所以答案为barrier。

  10. B

  本题为句型搭配,such… that表示 "如此…以致于"。
