
2021年11月23日 14:35:06



  1. We can depend on john to make a _____ choice.

  A. sound

  B. loud

  C. noisy

  D. well

  2. The neighbors do not consider him quite _____ as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.

  A. respectful

  B. respected

  C. respectable

  D. respective

  3. She used to be a great wanderer, but she now lives a _____ life in Paris.

  A still

  B. motionless

  C. Settled

  D. unmoving

  4. When I applied for my passport to be renewed I had to send a _____ photograph.

  A. fresh

  B. fashionable

  C. late

  D. recent

  1.A    a person of sound judgement. 判断力强的人 loud:大声的 noisy:吵闹的,有噪音的 well:身体好,状态好

  2.A 四个词的词根都是respect,但含义各不相同。 Respectful 恭敬的,礼貌的

  3.C    A. Still 平静的,寂静的  B. Motionless 静止、不运动的  C. Settled 安定的  D. Unmoving 静止的

  4.D   A.fresh 新鲜的,新近的体验 B.fashionable 时尚的 C.late 吃得,晚的 D.recent 最近的
