
2021年10月27日 14:11:18



  1. As far as the professor_______, college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves

  A. concern

  B. concerns

  C. concerned

  D. is concerned

  2. We have to get that car fixed,________.

  A. no matter it costs how much

  B. no matter how much costs it

  C. no matter how much it costs

  D. no matter how much does it cos

  3. When I was a child, I used ______to the river and bathe in the evening.

  A. to going

  B. to gc

  С. go

  D. going

  4. Nobody could_______ a satisfactory explanation of the accident.

  A. come up with

  B. come through

  C. come upon

  D. come into

  5.______driving to work, Mr. Lead usually qoes to his office downtown by train.

  A. Without

  B. Instead of

  C. In case of

  D. In spite of


  1.D 句意:就教授的观点而言,大学生应该养成自学的习惯。固定搭配. as far as...is concerned:就... 而言,为固定搭配

  2.C 句意:我们要找人修好这辆车,不管花多少钱。状语从句。根据选项可知空处为一个让步状语从句,应用no matter how (= however)引辱,其语序为: no matter how + adjadv.+注语 +调语,故应选C

  3.B 句意:在我是个孩子的时候我常常晚上去河里洗澡。非谓语动词。used to do sth.过去常常做某事; be used to doing sth.:习惯于做某事; be used to do sth.:被用来做某事。根据句意 应选B。

  4.A 句意:没有人能对事故提出一个令人满意的解释。词义辨析。come up with:提出;come through:到达,穿过, (身体)恢复: come upon:偶然遇见(某人),无意中发现(某物); come into:进入,加入

  5.B 句意:莱德先生经常乘火车去市区上班,而不是开车去。词义辨析. without没有;instead of代替...,而不是.: in case of以防万一: in spite of尽管。
