
2021年09月24日 10:48:15



  省去 to 的不定式

  ①would rather do sth 宁愿做某事 had better do sth 最好做某事

  ②Why/Why not do sth 为什么做/为什么不做某事

  【例】 him do this job by himself?(2007)

  A. Why don’t let B. Why not letting C. Why not let D. Why you not to let

  【解析】C.固定句式:why not do sth? 故选 C。为什么不让他单独做这份工作呢?

  ③help 后可带 to,也可不带 to 如;help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

  ④but 和 except 后。

  but 和 except 前出现实义动词 do 时,后面出现的不定式不带 to。即“有 do 无 to, 无 do 有 to)

  比较: He wants to do nothing but go out.他只想出去玩。

  He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine.除了吃这药,他什么都信。

  【例】Missing the last bus, I could do nothing but in the village for the night.

  A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed

  【解析】B。but 原则“有 do 无 to, 无 do 有 to”,故选 B。错过了最后一般公交车,我没事可做只能在那个小镇里呆上一晚。

  带 to 的动词不定式

  不定式的特殊句型 too...to do sth ... 太......而不能......

  …enough to do sth ...足够....而能够.....

  例: He is too excited to speak. 他太激动了,说不出话来。

  I work hard enough to get a promotion. 我工作足够努力而能够得到提拔。主动表被动的情况:

  sth need/want/require doing=sth need/want/require to be done 某事需要被…

  sth be worth doing 某事是值得被做的

  【例】The room is quite neat, and it [2011]

  A.doesn ‘t need to cleaning B.needn’t to cleaning C.doesn’t need cleaning D.needn’t cleaning

  【解析】C, 在这里,need 做实意动词,否定需要借助助动词,排除 B,D,又因为need 后接doing 或者to be done,



  Generally speaking(一般说来) Talking of/Speaking of(说道) Strictly speaking(严格的说) Judging from(从…判断) All things considered(从整体看来)

  Taking all things considered(全面看来)