
2021年07月26日 14:15:04


  1. Wateris _______ short in many big cities.

  A. running

  B. flowing

  C. becoming

  D. moving

  2.Excuse me for _______ you with such a small matter.

  A. troubling

  B. taking

  C. interrupting

  D. making

  3. This morningour water supply was _______ because of the cold weather.

  A. let down

  B. cut off

  C. taken up

  D. brought away

  4. Themarket was filled with salted fish, _______ the worst smell that you canimagine.

  A. sending off

  B. giving up

  C. sending down

  D. giving off

  5. Itwas because the applicant was too proud _______ he failed in theinterview.

  A. therefore

  B. that

  C. so that

  D. so

  6.Mobile telecommunications ________ is expected to double in Shanghai this yearas a result of a contract signed between the two companies.

  A. capacity

  B. potential

  C. possession

  D. impact

  7.Reading ________ the lines, I would say that the Government is more worriedthan they will admit.

  A. behind

  B. between

  C. along

  D. among

  8. Mybrother's plans are very ________; he wants to master English, French andSpanish before he is sixteen.

  A. arbitrary

  B. aggressive

  C. ambitious

  D. abundant

  9.Things might have been much worse if the mother _______ on her right to keepthe baby.

  A. has been insisting

  B. had insisted

  C. would insist

  D. insisted

  10. Thestatistical figures in that report are not ________. You should not refer tothem.

  A. accurate

  B. fixed

  C. delicate

  D. rigid


  1. A

  run在此处表示“变成,变得”的意思,尤其指不利的变化,run short为一个固定搭配,指“缺乏,缺少”。flow“流,流动”;become“变化,变得”;move“移动”。结合句意,可知A为最佳选项。

  2. A


  3. B

  cut off“停止,中断(供给)”;let down“使失望,放下,降低”;takeup“继续,接下去”;bring away“带走”。

  4. D

  send off“寄出,发出,邮购”;give up“放弃,投降,认输”,senddown“判(某人)入狱,开除”;give off“发出,放出(气味、热、光等)”。

  5. B


  6. C

  本题表示今年上海手机的拥有量会翻一番。Capacity表示 "容量", potential为 "潜能", possession表示 "拥有,占有 ",impact表示"冲击",所以答案为possession。

  7. B

  本题为固定短语,readbetween the lines表示能理解文章的深层含义。

  8. C

  16岁以前想掌握英语、法语和西班牙语,可见是雄心勃勃,能表达此含义的是ambitious, arbitrary意为 "武断的", aggressive表示"侵略性的", abundant表示 "丰富的,充裕的",都与题意不符。

  9. B


  10. A

  本题为修饰同现题。用来说明数据的应该是accurate。其他fixed 表示"固定的",delicate表示 "精巧的,精致的,微妙的", rigid表示 "刚性的,严格的",都与话题不符。
