
2021年06月15日 08:47:47


  1、Typing in all capital letters is poor etiquette, Internet etiquette, because it ________ shouting.

  A. equals to

  B. equates

  C. is equivalent to

  D. is equal

  2、When my mother saw the school's advertisement in the newspaper, she enrolled my older brother and me for music and literature ________.

  A. causes

  B. schools

  C. courses

  D. assignments

  3、To my disappointment, it quickly became obvious that I knew ________ _____________________________________ nothing about their world.

  A. next to

  B. however

  C. quite

  D. rather

  4、Writing has given her a broader ________ on human nature.

  A. prospect

  B. aspect

  C. perspective

  D. interpretation

  5、Cars are involved in many accidents, and they ________ heart disease.

  A. contribute to

  B. attribute to

  C. tribute to

  D. result from

  6、Most of the workplace accidents resulted from backward infrastructure, loopholes in management and ________ work safety awareness.

  A. lacking in

  B. lack in

  C. lack of

  D. for lack of

  7、The Prime Minister said that he would stay in power despite the ________ number of members of parliament quitting his party.

  A. growing

  B. grown

  C. growth

  D. increase

  8、The managing director has so far categorically refused to make any ________ in the report.

  A. alternatives

  B. alterations

  C. views

  D. disagreements

  9、After high school, Joanne went to Detroit to take a job in an auto plant, but could not ________ the routine and confinement.

  A. endure

  B. endow

  C. endear

  D. endorse

  10、Make your controlling idea as specific as possible. You can continually ________ the controlling idea to keep yourself on the right track.

  A. catch up with

  B. look up to

  C. go in for

  D. check back to

  参考答案:1C、 2C 、3A 、4C 、5A、 6C、 7A 、8B 、9A、 10D
